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Here are some tips to perfect a marble scratch

Here are some tips to perfect a marble scratch

Oct 28, 2022

Here are some tips to perfect a marble scratsh!

Dover White Marble

Marble scratch caused by metal pushing and pulling

To remove metal scratches faster and with less effort. You can use cleaner to soak after 3 minutes scrub, floor tile cleaner and metal scratch reaction can become loose. Wipe with a wet towel combined with detergent, clean as a new brick surface immediately appear. This won't affect floor tile surface, burnish won't have any change.

Bianco Perlino Marble

Treatment of deep marble scratches

The first step is to determine the grinding and determine the depth of the scratch. The relatively shallow part can be polished with the blade and the scratch can be removed. If the scratch is deep, it needs to be processed from coarse grinding to fine grinding. Local deep scratches can also be removed by local grinding. The small scratch on marble can be polished by marble polishing powder. Granite or silica as the main component of the stone can be used for granite polishing powder. The filling polishing of polishing powder can significantly reduce scratches, improve the overall brightness, and achieve good repair results.

New Grey Reticular Marble

Polish according to the depth of the marble scratch

Before repairing marble scratches, the depth of the scratch should be determined. If the scratch is shallow, use a chip to remove the scratch. If the scratch is deep, it needs to be processed from coarse grinding to fine grinding. Local polishing method can remove local deep scratches.

Camouflage Brown Marble

The floor surface is slightly scratched

The toothpaste can be applied to the scratches on the marble floor, and then brush the scratches repeatedly with a toothbrush. It can be found that the scratches are gradually fading until they disappear. This method is more suitable for light marble floor.

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